Milestones in Indian Banking

  • First Bank in India: Bank of Hindustan
  • First Governor of RBI: Mr. Osborne Smith
  • First Indian Governor of RBI: Mr. C. D. Deshmukh
  • First Bank to Introduce ATM in India: HSBC
  • First Bank to Introduce Savings Account in India: Presidency Bank (1830)
  • First Bank to Introduce Cheque System in India: Bengal Bank (1784)
  • First Bank to Introduce Internet Banking: ICICI Bank
  • First Bank to Introduce Mutual Fund: State Bank of India
  • First Bank to Introduce Credit Card in India: Central Bank of India
  • First Indian Bank to Open a Branch Outside India (London, 1946): Bank of India
  • First Indian Bank Started with Indian Capital: Punjab National Bank
  • First Regional Rural Bank (Prathama Grameen Bank): Syndicate Bank
  • First Universal Bank in India: ICICI Bank
  • First Indian Bank Listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE): ICICI Bank
  • First Bank in India to Launch Talking ATMs for Differently-Abled Persons: Union Bank of India
  • First Bank in India to Launch its Own Payment Aggregators (SBIePay): State Bank of India
  • Country’s First All-Women Bank: Bhartiya Mahila Bank
  • First Indian Bank to Receive ISO Certification: Canara Bank