SSC CGL 2023 Important Notice Released, Check Here!!

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The candidates may please refer to Important Notice of Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023 (CGLE-2023) published by the Commission on its website on 17.11.2023. It was informed to candidates, who have appeared in Tier-II, to submit their Option-cumPreference for post(s)/ department(s) for CGLE-2023 through their respective ‘CANDIDATE LOGIN’ on the website of SSC (Headquarters) i.e., from 18.11.2023 to 21.11.2023.

It is informed that due to a technical issue, options exercised by few candidates upto 20.11.2023 (12:00 PM) may have some error. Therefore, such candidates are advised to check the preferences filled by them and revise the same, if required.

The window for submission of the Option-cum-Preference by the candidates is extended and shall remain active till 23.11.2023 (11:59 PM). This is the last and final opportunity being given to the candidates to exercise their Option-cum-Preference. The candidates who fail to exercise their Option-cum-Preference during the aforesaid period, shall not be given any further opportunity for submission of their Option-cum-Preference and such candidates will not be considered for inclusion in the final merit list / final selection.

The modality for submission of Option-cum-Preference shall remain the same as indicated in the Important Notice dated 17.11.2023.