UPSC cancels exam for Public Prosecutor post in CBI, Check official notice

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The Union Public Service Commission had decided to conduct an Offline Pen
and Paper Based COMBINED RECRUITMENT TEST on 07.10.2023 (SATURDAY)
(FORENOON SESSION) from 9.30 A.M to 11.30 A.M. for short-listing the candidates for the below-mentioned posts:

(i) Twelve vacancies for the post of Prosecutor in Serious Fraud Investigation
Office (SFIO), Ministry of Corporate Affairs [Adv. No. 18/2022, Vacancy No.

(ii) Thirteen vacancies for the post of Assistant Director (Corporate Law) in
Serious Fraud Investigation Office (SFIO), Ministry of Corporate Affairs [Adv. No. 21/2022, Vacancy No. 22112103212].

(iii) Forty Eight vacancies for the post of Public Prosecutor in CBI, Department
of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions [Adv. No. 07/2023, Vacancy No. 23040705208].

(iv) Twenty Three vacancies for the post of Public Prosecutor in National
Investigation Agency, Ministry of Home Affairs [Adv. No. 12/2023, Vacancy No.

It has been decided to cancel the aforesaid Recruitment Test scheduled to be
held on 07.10.2023 (FORENOON SESSION) until further notice. The revised date/s for the Recruitment Test shall be notified in due course.

Other Recruitment Tests scheduled for 07.10.2023 (AFTERNOON SESSION)
and 08.10.2023 (BOTH SESSIONS) shall be held as per the notified date and time.

The candidates are advised to visit Commission’s website (
regularly for the updates of the above Recruitment.

All the conditions and eligibility mentioned in the respective Advertisement/s
will remain unchanged.